Wondering if anyone can help, I appear to have successfully ThinApped IE9 (full capture, not just using locally installed IE as entry point) and the latest Java Runtime (8.45), I have captured them seperately with an optionalapplink within IE9 to Java Runtime, I can log onto the Verify Java site and it detects Java Runtime and the correct version which is good but I have noticed one issue. Latest Java Runtime has increased security which you can bypass by adding website URLs to an exceptions list, we need this functionality because there appears to be a number of websites that under normal circumstances Java Runtime is refusing to load applets for, my problem is that I add these sites (javatester.org for example) to this list but still its refusing to run the applets, I look in the sandbox for Java Runtime and within the exceptions file the URLs are listed so not at all sure why this appears to be ignored, any ideas what could be happening here?