This is slightly following on from a previous post I did regarding capturing IE9 and Java Runtime (8_45) separately and AppLinking them, I'm having massive issues with getting this to work correctly, I'm having a Java process (jp2launcher.exe) hang once IE9 is exited and it will continue to run consuming 100% CPU intermittently and in turn the parent processes also hang, this also prevents any further instances of the ThinApp being launched until all the processes are killed, believe me I have tried various different permutations of capturing them both and looked at scripts to kill that process but these will not work because the main process (iexplore.exe) is still running preventing the example scripts below from even executing:
Function OnFirstParentExit
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'jp2launcher.exe'")
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
End Function
I have also tried the OnFirstParentStart function but again this is no use because the first parent process is still stuck running.
Before I waste anymore time on this I have a couple of questions, I only have access to ThinApp 4.7, could it possibly be that I just need to capture this on a newer version of ThinApp? and in fact what I'm trying to achieve will never work on our version.
More info:
- ThinApp is streamed to desktop with IE8 native install
- Both Java Runtime and IE9 captured on a totally vanilla install of Win 7 32-bit
- Both captured separately
- I have tried capturing various versions of Java Runtime going back to 7_45 and same thing happens, jp2launcher.exe just will not shutdown, THIS is what makes me think it's more of an issue with IE9 somehow not releasing the applet processes.
Any help appreciated.