I have a Windows 7 desktop with Internet Explorer 11 natively installed. Even though IE11 is natively installed I still require to run it as Thinapp, because: reasons. So I have a thinapp which calls the native IE and this works fine. A problem arises when I call an URL which is also Thindirected to (in this case) Firefox. Sure, the URL gets redirected to Firefox just fine so Thindirect works even in a virtualized environment. Except it doesn't show the yellow banner with the countdown and it also doesn't close the newly opened browser tab. Instead it also opens the URL it just opened in Firefox in the IE tab too.
Thindirect only does this in when IE11 runs virtualized. Running it native works as expected.
Normally I'd make sure IE never reuses windows and processes, but IE11 is particularly annoying in that those solutions don't work anymore. Does anyone have an idea how to get Thindirect working as expected with IE11 running as virtual process?