I'm new to VMware ThinApp and currently working on a FireFox + Java RTE package.
After delivering the package to the end-users I've received feedback on two different errors:
The users have told me that these errors keep reoccuring - especially after a period of being inactive (e.g. coming back from lunch while keeping FF running).
After the error #1 the users would have to delete the local app data files of the virtualised appliaction in order to get it running again. According to the users there is no pattern or action to provoke these errors.
Software Version (OS: Win7 x64 Ent):
VMware ThinApp 5.2.0-18454
Java Runtime Engine 1.8.0_101-b13
FireFox 48.02
Installation Routine:
Both applications are a default installation with one exception; Updates are being disabled.
Firstly FireFox and secondly Java RTE.
Capture Routine:
Entry Points: firefox.exe
Groups: Everyone
Isolation: Restricted write acces (WriteCopy isolation mode)
Package Settings: Use seperate .DAT file
Package.ini: No changes
I'm thankful for any help!
Kind regards