Hi All,
I have recently tried to package Google Chrome (55.0.2883.75) and keep receiving an error message "Fatal Application Exit - ThinApp has encountered and unexpected error" it displays some PID (1944) and create process.cpp (1949) numbers, clicking retry the message comes up again, PID=5236, create process=4444 but then says "unexpected exception in RelaunchUsingCreateProcess"
One place I found this error in another forum, the OP said it was an isolation issue left the post unanswered and didn't say any more.
The quickest way to reproduce this error is to thinapp Chrome, change MSIIs64 to 0 and the MSIInstallDirectory to Google\Chrome\application. I am installing the thinapp to the same location as the physical location so the shortcuts users have setup continue working. The next step was to change the name of the thinapp EXE, but found it failed at this point. In fact it failed just by changing the MSIIs64 and MSI install dir to Google.
Opening the Entry Point cmd.exe I can run browse all the internal locations, run DIR as many times as I like, run copy con and create a short txt file inside the thinapp/sandbox but if I run chrome.exe it crashes and takes the cmd window with it. I can open the EP I created for windows explorer that opens at Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\application and browse, once again can't run the chrome EP without crashing both chrome and the thinapp EP of explorer.exe
I have found running the uninstalled EXE EP seems to work, but as soon as it is installed, the EP fails/crashes.
The version I created for a pilot release worked, with very little modified in the package, but someone tried to open a DOCX file from a link and received the same error as my tests above. I had to withdraw the pilot at this point.
I have attached both the pilot and experimental package.ini files for anybody to have a look.
Most of the paths in the package had the default attributes file. The last version I created unmodified, I built it, tested/worked, modified MSIIs64=0, built/tested/worked, changed MSIInstallDirectory=Google, built/test/failed. I have even played with wow64 and AltArchitectureShortcut to see if any of this changes things.
Background behind Google Chrome - I have packaged for our company Chrome for the last year and a half, built the MST and modified it for fixing the shortcut errors in Windows 98.1 because of the metro interface and the way it uses classes. I contribute on a ninja site for packaging under Chrome, so I know "how to Chrome stuff"
The installer might be 64bit, but it installs into PF (x86), so Chrome is not fully 64bit.
I am hoping someone might know how to help with this problem.