Again I have found an issue with Thinapp 5.2.1.
am busy repackaging software I made before for a 32-bit environment for a 64-bit Windows 7 environment.
ackages can be either 32-bit of 64-bit programs, but the Thinapp package is always made on a X64 Windows 7 system.
The problem description is as follows:
Was packaging an laboratory application called Glims (version 9.5.15) for our hospital.
This is 32-bit software using a 32-bit Progress database client.
All software is basically installed in folders located in the root of C:\
During the install, some services entries are added to the SERVICES (located in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc)
During the capture, the changed SERVICES file is stored in the %SystemSystem(x64)%\drivers\etc location.
However, after building the application, the SERVICES entry does not reappear in the correct location.
Instead it is relocated to the C:\Windows\WinSXS\AMD64_microsoft-windows-w..nfrastructure-other_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_nonte_6079f415110c0210-folder.
The result is that the program fails to start because the SERVICES-file cannot be found in the correct/expected location.
(For now, I have solved the problem to copy the \drivers\etc-entry from the %SystemSystem(x64)% also in the %SystemSystem%-location.
After rebuilding, the application now seems to be working ok
Still, is this behaviour by design or is this an issue?