I had virtualized Internet Explorer 8 using Thinapp v5.0.0.
Our production machines will have IE11 locally installed and IE8 Thinapp will be used for few incompatible websites. I am currently facing issues with IE8 Thinapp package.
If an external link or a URL is clicked when IE8 Thinapp is open, IE8 Thinapp shuts down completely. This closes all my open IE8 Thinapp web pages.
For Example: I was using blogs.vmware.com, facebook.com and gmail.com on IE8 Thinapp tabs. I got an email with a URL. If I click the URL, all the IE8 Thinapp windows shuts down completely due to which I lost all my active sessions running on IE8 thinapp.
Anyhelp would be highly appreciated!!!